Dragon Minerals - March 16, 2024 Update

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37329: Carrollite, Chalcopyrite and Dolomite - $12
Kamoya South II Mine, Kamoya, Kambove, Kambove Territory, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo
Miniature - 3.1 x 3.1 x 2.2 cm
23 grams
Specimen status: Reserved
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A brilliantly lustrous, 1.3 cm carrollite cluster sits atop a crystalline dolomite matrix. Minor, nondescript chalcopyrite is also present. As is typical for this material, the carrollite has some chips; tiny at the front but larger at the back. Could be trimmed to a thumbnail, but previous experience has shown that carrollites have a habit of detaching from matrix as the dolomite splits. A typical example for the species/locality.

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