Dragon Minerals - October 15, 2023 Update

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41976: Calcite, Goethite and Unknown - $8
Durango, Mexico
Small cabinet - 6.6 x 4.1 x 2.5 cm
70 grams
Specimen status: Available
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Abundant white, opaque calcite scalenohedral crystals to about 4 mm in vugs on matrix, accompanied by patches of botryoidal and sometimes iridescent goethite. Also present is an unknown mineral having a cubic to stacked cubic and sometimes elongated (almost acicular) crystal structure and metallic luster. Looks a bit like man made bismuth. Hematite or marcasite? Too small to capture adequately with my poor photographic skills. Could be something interesting! Self standing. Needs magnification to appreciate the unknown: hand lens, microscope or camera lens.

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