Dragon Minerals - November 24, 2024 Update

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36882: Grandidierite (six specimens) - $48
Vohibola phlogopite deposit, Behara, Amboasary Sud District, Anosy, Madagascar
Miniatures - 3.6 to 5.5 cm
311 grams total weight
Specimen status: Reserved
Send an email with specimen number to order

A group of six opaque, blue green grandidierite specimens, mostly just chunks with one (or perhaps two) having some crystal faces (or maybe just flattish contacts). This globally uncommon species is a magnesium aluminum iron silicate borate - (Mg,Fe2+)(Al,Fe3+)3(SiO4)(BO3)O2. When material from this locality appeared a few years ago, it caused a quite as stir, as can be judged from the previous (well-respected rare minerals) dealer labels (accompanying the lot) with asking prices between $125 and $175!

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